重點單字&逐字稿 (Words&Transcript)https://buymeacoffee.com/zhongwenhaobang/posts
💛If you enjoy my channel, please consider giving it a star on Spotify or leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. This helps more people discover the podcast and share it with others. 要收聽最新的Podcast記得點點追蹤喔。
把一條路封起來 (Bǎ yī tiáo lù fēng qǐlái) | Block off a road | 道路を封鎖する搭棚子 (Dā péngzi) | Set up a tent | テントを組み立てる戶外的婚宴 (Hùwài de hūnyàn) | Outdoor wedding banquet | 屋外の結婚式の宴会害羞 (Hàixiū) | Shy | 恥ずかしい隱形眼鏡 (Yǐnxíng yǎnjìng) | Contact lenses | コンタクトレンズ瞳孔 (Tóngkǒng) | Pupil | 瞳孔日拋.週拋.月拋.季拋.年拋 (Rì páo. Zhōu páo. Yuè páo. Jì páo. Nián páo) | Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Quarterly. Yearly disposable | 日、週、月、四半期、年ごとの使い捨て有顏色的隱形眼鏡 (Yǒu yánsè de yǐnxíng yǎnjìng) | Colored contact lenses | カラコン瞳孔放大片 (Tóngkǒng fàngdà piàn) | circle lens | サークルレンズ透明 (Tòumíng) | Transparent | 透明近視度數 (Jìnshì dùshù) | Degree of nearsightedness | 近視の度数眼鏡行 (Yǎnjìng háng) | Optician | 眼鏡店測量度數 (Cèliáng dùshù) | Measure the degree of myopia | 近視の度数を測定する近視雷射手術 (Jìnshì léishè shǒushù) | LASIK surgery for nearsightedness | 近視のレーシック手術💛If you enjoy my channel, please consider giving it a star on Spotify or leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. This helps more people discover the podcast and share it with others. 要收聽最新的Podcast記得點點追蹤喔。
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