二二八紀念日 èr èr bā jìniàn rì - 228 Memorial Day
二二八事件 èr èr bā shìjiàn - The February 28 Incident
國民政府 guómín zhèngfǔ - Nationalist Government (ROC government)
接收 jiēshōu - to take over; to receive
殖民 zhímín - colonization
統治 tǒngzhì - governance; rule
接管 jiēguǎn - to take control; to take over
官員 guānyuán - government official
對日抗戰 duì rì kàngzhàn - War of Resistance Against Japan (Second Sino-Japanese War)
勝利者 shènglì zhě - victor; winner
優越感 yōuyuègǎn - sense of superiority
排斥 páichì - to exclude; to reject
治理方式 zhìlǐ fāngshì - method of governance
貪污腐敗 tānwū fǔbài - corruption and bribery
官兵 guānbīng - officers and soldiers
紀律不佳 jìlǜ bù jiā - lack of discipline
不滿 bùmǎn - dissatisfaction; resentment
導火線 dǎohuǒxiàn - trigger (of an event)
專賣局 zhuānmài jú - Monopoly Bureau (government agency controlling sales of certain goods)
專門 zhuānmén - specialized; designated
查緝人員 cháqì rényuán - enforcement officer; investigator
婦女 fùnǚ - woman
私菸 sīyān - smuggled cigarettes
當場 dāngchǎng - on the spot; immediately
沒收 mòshōu - to confiscate
香菸 xiāngyān - cigarette
一併 yībìng - together with; at the same time
跪地 guìdì - to kneel on the ground
求情 qiúqíng - to plead for mercy
理會 lǐhuì - to pay attention to; to heed
槍托 qiāngtuō - rifle butt
打傷 dǎshāng - to injure
頭部 tóubù - head (part of the body)
周圍 zhōuwéi - surrounding; vicinity
這一幕 zhè yī mù - this scene
憤怒 fènnù - anger; rage
包圍 bāowéi - to surround; to encircle
開槍 kāiqiāng - to fire a gun
試圖 shìtú - to attempt; to try
驅散 qūsàn - to disperse (a crowd)
群眾 qúnzhòng - crowd; mass of people
市民 shìmín - citizen; city resident
誤殺 wùshā - accidental killing
搶走 qiǎngzǒu - to snatch away; to seize
警察局 jǐngchá jú - police station
交代 jiāodài - to explain; to account for
明確 míngquè - clear and definite
抗議行動 kàngyì xíngdòng - protest action
隔一天 gé yì tiān - the next day
罷工 bàgōng - strike (labor action)
放火 fànghuǒ - to set fire
焚燒 fénshāo - to burn (something)
衝突 chōngtú - conflict; clash
局勢 júshì - situation
示威 shìwēi - demonstration; protest
衛兵 wèibīng - guards
開槍 kāiqiāng - to fire a gun
怒火 nùhuǒ - rage; anger
徹底 chèdǐ - thoroughly; completely
點燃 diǎnrán - to ignite
擴散 kuòsàn - to spread
懲處 chéngchǔ - to punish
鎮壓 zhènyā - to suppress
演變 yǎnbiàn - to evolve; to develop into
規模 guīmó - scale; scope
官民對抗 guānmín duìkàng - confrontation between government and people
本地人 běndì rén - local people
外省人 wàishěng rén - people from mainland China (who moved to Taiwan after 1945)
族群衝突 zúqún chōngtū - ethnic conflict
機構 jīgòu - institution; organization
派軍隊 pài jūnduì - to send troops
傷亡人數 shāngwáng rénshù - number of casualties
知識份子 zhīshì fènzǐ - intellectuals
波及 bōjí - to affect; to spread to
戒嚴 jièyán - martial law
犧牲 xīshēng - sacrifice
緬懷 miǎnhuái - to commemorate; to remember with respect
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