My guest today is a very good friend of mine, it is coach Rodrigo Silverback @rodrigosliverback , and we're here to talk fitness, competitive, and personal, and everything in between. Of everyone I know, there are few who rival Rodrigo in his passion for fitness, strength, and his lifetime commitment and involvement in the fitness industry. This guy lives and breathes the gym, between personal training, online coaching, nutrition programming, and working on the supplement side of everything at Popeye's supplements (which some of you may know him from).
We go everywhere in this podcast, I felt like this could have easily been a 3 hour show, and I mean I knew that - if you get Rod going on any topic in fitness and in nutrition, and show an interest, you can be in for a long long conversation, so I had no doubt that we would have plenty to talk about. I tried to use this as an outlet, and to showcase some insider knowledge, from Rod's perspective - in particular, the practical nature in his approach to fitness - he won't throw studies at you, or talk about theoretical things he learned in whatever education program, no he'll tell you real world examples in which he watched something work or not work, and tell you why. So that was my direction going into this, got some real good insights, from the shakeup of the fitness industry with respect to the COVID lockdowns here in Ontario, we talk about taking gyms for granted, we talk about coaches, and what drew Rodrigo to become a coach himself... I think he's always had that attitude as long as I've known him, wanting to include people who take an interest in fitness, even in his high school days, talking about not wanting to see kids drop phys ed after 9th grade.
Great show, great conversation, loved getting to talk business with my boy, and I hope you enjoy as well, the 3DD podcast, with Coach Rodrigo Silverback