You will not understand this new, current phase of the culture war, which is quickly becoming a civil war, unless you understand the role that "Naturalism" played for the Left in advancing their side of the culture war. Upon examination, every issue debated in the culture war(s) turns out to ultimately resolve into a debate about whether things have "natures" or not. It is the nature of a thing that determines what kind of thing a thing is, and thus what it is okay, and not okay, to do to it. What is the nature of human personhood? Does a fetus have that nature? (Or is it just a "clump of cells")? Does an elderly person with a terminal illness share that nature? If they do, then it is wrong to kill fetuses and elderly people, because it's wrong to kill human persons. The debate about abortion and euthanasia is a debate about the "nature" of personhood. Likewise the debate about gay marriage is a debate about the "nature" or marriage. Likewise the debate about trans-sexualism is a debate about the "nature" or gender. Is it the same as biological sex, or something different? ALL of the culture war debates, the hot-button "moral" issues, are really, at bottom, "metaphysical" issues, because they are really debates about the NATURE of things, and whether such a nature exists.
This is why the metaphysical position called Naturalism is so important to to the Left (though they rarely even acknowledge its existence). Because Naturalism makes NONSENSE of the notion of anything having a definite nature. Rather, under Naturalism, everything is fluid (think "gender-fluid"). And it is the fact that Naturalism does this to the notion of natures that makes it so useful to the Left. Because then, all that they have to do is treat Naturalism like it is Science (it's not, as the analogy of the Metal Detector has shown) and then accuse you of being anti-science when you oppose their (the Left's) moral/political agenda... which just happens to be to change the NATURE of society... by convincing everyone IN society that nothing really has a definite nature.
And once you understand what Naturalism is, how it is different than Science, you can then understand what "Neuropolitics" is. And you HAVE to understand what Neuropolitics is, because the Left has now abandoned the debates of the culture war. They don't want to debate anymore. They have a new tactic. It is Neuropolitics. And it's about you, and why you think what you think, and why what you think doesn't matter one bit to what direction we should ultimately head socially and politically. Please listen.