This episode we look at what came out in February. This month we have some Death Metal, Power Metal and Electro-Swing.
Demons & Wizards - III (Diabolic, Split)
Aktor - Placebo (Astronaut, Ghost of Time)
Sepultura - Quadra (Isolation, Fear, Pain, Chaos, Suffering)
Night Crowned - Impus Viam (REborn, Unholy Path)
Beneath the Massacre - Fearmonger (Rise of the Fearmonger, Treacherous)
What I've Been Listening To:
Caravan Palace - <|°_°|> (Wonderland, Lone Digger)
Alien Weaponry - Tû (Kai Tangata, Rage)
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird (Freebird)
Doom Eternal Soundtrack (The Only Thing They Fear Is You)
Diablo Blvd - Zero Hour (Animal, The Future Will Do What It's Told)
Twilight Force - Dawn of the Dragonstar (Blade of Immortal Steel, The Power of the Ancient Force)