Catholic Ministry Professionals

48. Dreaming like St. Joseph and living in the Spirit w/ Dcn. Thane Barnier

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If you work for the Catholic church and want to avoid burnout, overcome team dysfunctions, and put more souls in the pews, we’re here to help.  

Today we’re sharing our conversation with Dcn. Thane Barnier.

If you want to transform your parish through your work, but you’re not sure where to start, Download the free parish health assessment at It only takes about 5 minutes to fill out and afterward you will have a color coded picture of your parish’s health that you can then use to fuel better conversations, prioritize better work, and become a better leader.  

To request a free consultation or send feedback email us at [email protected].

Listen to the latest episode on Spotify, Google, Apple, YouTube, or Siouxland Catholic Radio--88.1 FM.

Dcn. Thane’s favorite ministry resources:

Connect with Dcn. Thane:

St. Terese Sioux Falls Facebook Page
Ecclesia domestica on Youtube

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Catholic Ministry ProfessionalsBy Jon Konz and Thai Hua

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