Episode 61 Airport Codes
Claire: Hello this is 5 Minutes withAOPA-China. Imagine you’re sitting in first class on an Air China Boeing 777,headed from Beijing CapitalInternational Airport to London Heathrow. Theboarding pass in your jacketpocket the check-in lady just handed to you says, ofcourse, PEK to LHR: the familiar three-letter codes that every frequent flyer knows.
Nick: But just a few feet ahead of you, onthe flight deck, the flight plan in front of the captain’s eyes says yourdestination is EGLL(Echo Golf Lima Lima). And tomorrow, when the airplane you’re on willfly from London to Tokyo’s Haneda Airport, that flight plan will say the destination is RJTT(RomeoJuliet Tango Tango), not HND(Hotel November Delta). And what about ZGGG(Zulu GolfGolf,Yankee Sierra Sierra Yankee), YSSY and MMMX?
Claire: Those are the four-letter codesused by ICAO, the United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization, toidentify airports instead of the more common three-letter designations used byIATA, the International Air Transport Association. What’s up with that?Here’s all you need to know.
Nick: First of all, to betterunderstand the jumble of letters and codes, we have to travel a few decadesback in time.
When World War II was ending, governmentscame round the idea that the developing commercial aviation industry could dowith a higher degree of standardization. So two major aviation organizationswere created that would play a major role in the consolidation of civilianaviation over the decades: ICAO and IATA.
Claire: You may be forgiven for mixing themup: after all they are both based in Montreal and often work on the sameissues, but they are different in nature. While ICAO is an internationalorganization under the auspices of the United Nations, IATA is a tradeassociation that looks after the interests of the airline industry.
Nick: Each of them came up with its owncode system, based on its own separate logic, to identify airports around theworld. And this is where things got messy.
Claire: No doubt you’ll ask whendo you use which code? Roughly: the three-letter IATA codes are used byairlines for commercial purposes and in passenger-facing activities. Thefour-letter ICAO codes appear in technical documents, such as flight plans, aeronautical charts. So you’re far more likely as a passenger to encounter the former, but you’re far morelikely to impress an aviation enthusiast if you know the latter.
Nick:The ICAO system has a distinct advantage: Itidentifies an airport’s location, the geographiccontext, anywhere in the world. That’s because the first letterdesignates a “region,” the second letter designates a country and the remainingtwo represent a specific airport.
Claire: Zoom in a bit, though, and the system gets a littlemore complex.
Some very large countries suchas China, Russia or Australia, have a letter all theirown. Z represents China, Urepresents Russia and Y for Australia. But Europe is divided inroughly two zones — North, using “E” as identifier, and South, using “L”.Africa, in turn, is divided in four large regions. The second letter of the code designates thecountry or, in the case of large countries, a specific area within thatcountry.
Nick: Thus,in China, BeijingCapital International is ZBAA: where Z for China, B for BeijingFlight Information Region. ZBPD, Shanghai Pudong International: also Z forChina, S for Shanghai FIR. As in Europe, London Heathrow is EGLL: where E forNorthern Europe, G for Great Britain, See a pattern?
Claire:In comparison, IATA codes sound simpler and areeasier to remember. You don’t need to be an hardcore aviation fan to know that PEKis Beijing and BOS is Boston. They are used wherever communication with thegeneral public is involved, such as in flight schedules, boarding passes andbaggage tags.
Nick: And they have a potential as something else:marketing tools. Why do I say so? 3-letter words are popular in advertisingcampaign. They often replace the airport’s fullname in ads or slogans.
Claire: But these codes do not provide a geographicalcontext, and this makes it difficult to locate an airport if you are notfamiliar with it. Most of us may be able to recall what LHR stands for, but wouldyou be able to locate LHP and LHS as easily? You may be forgiven for not knowingLehu, in Papua New Guinea, and Las Heras, a small airport in Argentina.
Nick: While pretty much all airports havean ICAO code, many smaller GA airports do not have an IATA code. Basically, ifthey are marked on a flight map, it probably has an ICAO code.
Claire: In China, things are a little bitdifferent due to the GA industry is still in its infancy. Most GA airports don’thave a ICAO or IATA code yet. However, to cater the demand of development andpromote the industry boom, the code will be a must. AOPA-China is makingefforts in this part.
Nick: That brings us to the end of today’s5 Minutes with AOPA-China. If you like us, please rate us or review us onWechat, Facebook, Twitter Ximalaya or any podcast platform. To support us, justsend your friends your favorite episode. See you next week.
(ICAO Logo、IATA Logo)
ICAO代码有一个好处是:可以根据代码判断出机场的地理位置。第一字母表示地区或国家(国土面积较大的国家如中国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚,享有独有的国家代码:中国-Z,俄罗斯-U,澳大利亚-Y),第二个字母表示国家或国内分区(对于国土面积加大的国家而言)。比如说,E代表北欧,L代表南欧,EG便指英国(G=Great Britain)。同样在中国,北京首都机场的四字代码是ZBAA,Z代表中国,B代表北京飞行情报区。