Creating a safe and sacred space for yourself is one of the key parts in mediation. You don't need to dedicate a whole entire room or do anything elaborate - you just need to create a safe space for yourself where you feel comfortable and calm.
As we go through our lives, emotions & energies can become attached to us. These emotions and energies can also become trapped in our homes, bedrooms, & work spaces. Any place we inhabit (especially with others) can build up stagnant or not so nice energies. If you've ever come home from a long day of work and just can't shake the stress or have had a fight with a friend or companion and just cant get rid of the emotions you've experienced - this is energy attachment. Sometimes it's not bothersome to us but sometimes it weighs us down. Cleansing yourself & your space of these energies can often lift this weight from you and bring a sense of calm or freshness to your space.
You can find many clearing rituals online or you can create your own. Often the best way to get started is to find a ritual that you resonate with and adapt it to your own lifestyle. As you go through the cleansing a few times you may find yourself adding or subtracting parts as it suits you.
Since starting my meditation practice, I've found that doing a little energy clearing ritual prior to my sessions gets me in the right head space for what I plan to be doing. Animals - and we are animals -are very sensitive to smell & to habit. Think of Pavlov's dogs - when they were fed a bell rang. Eventually the dogs associated the ringing of the bell with food and began to salivate at the sound of it. This is how ritual can begin to affect us. Our clearing rituals will begin to trigger in us an emotional shift getting us ready for the next task at hand.
As humans, we have a more complex understanding of our emotions and thus can begin to use the habit-turned-ritual process to tap into our higher selves and create a more mindful & spiritual bond with our actions & surroundings. Download the corresponding planner insert for this episode in 5 planner sizes over on Patreon ::
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