Welcome to the 5th dimension with your podcast and newsletter, "5D Metamorphosis
I am Ellen Mouton Mindfulness and spiritual Teacher, Guided Meditation and Sound Artist specializing in emotional release, end of life facilitator and founder of EllenMoutonTV.com, where you can find online programs to help you heal and lead a more conscious and “meaningful life".
To find out more, links are in the description below, or you can visit www.ellenmoutontv.com
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Podcast :
We are all born free. But what does it really mean? When we are born, we had no information about the world we had just entered. Total emptiness. We were ourselves, consciousness at its purest, naked.
From the moment we are born, our body remains our only vessel to navigate in a physical environment which we had no idea of. Imagine the contrast. Our 5 senses are flooded with information, sensations, hungry feelings, not very clear vision, etc... We then need a lot of comfort and reassurance, and the role of our mum and dad or any other substitute is therefore paramount to avoid negative repercussions and to grow in confidence.
So how have we lost that innocence and that spark of life as an adult and even as a teenager?
5D #5Dconsciousness #Reiki #indigo #starseed #lightworker #energywork #shadowwork #newearth #newworld #source #christconsciousness #awakening #awakening #ascension #5Dascension #5dascensionmeditation #spiritualawakening #awakeningofhumanity #nondual #nonduality #wearethechange #metamorphosis #themetamorphosis #ego #suffering #dissolutionoftheego #mindfulness #healing #spirituality
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