Having Trouble Scaling Your SEO Business? Tired to doing the same tasks over and over for different clients? What if I told you there was a way to automate 90% of your SEO business so that you only had to focus on signing new clients. In this episode of the Six Figure SEO podcast, we sit down with business automation expert, Grace Lever, to reveal her incredible system for doing just that.
Grace Lever and her husband, Adam Lever, run an extremely successful SEO and lead generation consulting business from the outskirts of Syndney, Austaralia. They are pulling in ridiculous money and working less than ever before largely in part to the automation sequences Grace has put in place.
In this episode Grace reveals an incredibly detailed email auto responder sequence, tools, tips, and the software that has helped explode their family's digital marketing agency.
Grace even goes so far to offer listeners to this episode exclusive free access to her entire sequence of SEO automation. After listening to this episode you'll know how to streamline communication between yourself and your clients, automate invoicing, automate reporting, automate intake forms, automate follow up phone calls, automate testimonials, and much more. Best of all Grace extends a personal discount to the software that controls all these systems for you that you won't be able to get anywhere else!
For show notes, SEO resources, and tips visit: http://dynamik365.com/