Borders in Globalization Podcast

#7 BIG Podcast - "The Resilience of Indigenous Peoples Across Borders" - With: Patrick Lozar – Assistant Professor in History, University of Victoria, British-Columbia, Canada

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Borders between States are modern legal constructions. With colonial expansion, indigenous communities came to be cut into several pieces by many territorial boundaries. This is the case of the 49th parallel which serves as the border between Canada and the United States. How have indigenous peoples resisted the spatial imposition of these linear legal fictions? Elements of responses with the historian Patrick Lozar, specialist of the Indigenous Communities of the interior region of the NorthWest Pacific.

Les frontières entre Etats sont des constructions juridiques modernes. Avec l’expansion coloniale, de nombreuses limites territoriales sont venus coupées en plusieurs morceaux de nombreuses communautés indigènes. C’est le cas du 49e parallèle qui sert de frontière entre le Canada et les Etats-Unis. Comment les peuples indigènes ont-ils résistés face à l’imposition spatiale de ces fictions juridiques linéaires ? Eléments de réponses avec l’historien Patrick Lozar, spécialiste des Communautés Indigènes de la région intérieure du Pacifique Nord-Ouest.

Time Markers:

00:00 Introduction

1:04 Academic Profile and Research Interests

3:21 Ethnohistory Methods and Indigenous Geographies

7:29 Pacific Northwest Region, Indigenous Peoples and Borders

12:24 Diverse reactions of Indigenous Peoples facing the legal building of Border

17:50 Implications of the Supreme Court of Canada decision “R. v. Desautel” in terms of indigenous lives in Borderlands

25:08 Re-thinking the Border, De-colonizing the Border

30:25 Resilience of Indigenous Communities across borders


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Borders in Globalization PodcastBy BIG