What a load of rubbish, yet so many people think (or have been convinced by their accountant) they can do everything for them and do it well….
Don’t fall for that control issue accountant have. In my experience, when an accountant says leave it to me, it never gets done - or it get done basically by a GP.
Your future is too important for that to happen. It needs to be fixed by specialists now.
A good plan is created by a team of specialists - financial, taxation, legal, risk, retirement needs and so on.
So whilst you may have a legal document, it is important you have someone who co-ordinates the specialists - a facilitator.
Plus, after someone passes, there are so many human elements which need considering. Where to be buried or cremated, songs for the service, who will give the eulogy etc, what they should do, how to keep the business running + all the things left unsaid?
How have you planned to pass those thoughts on to ensure all left behind are not already squabbling?