German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten

73: Warum hat Paul das Buch wirklich bekommen? | Why did Paul really get the book?

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Write a story, ask questions, explain a reason & dative verbs: antworten, danken, sagen, fehlen, gefallen, gehören, glauben, helfen, passen.

Paul is at home, creating online profiles for freelancer apps. He’s been writing his new blog for 2 days. Grandpa calls him and explains that he never found the painting because the address of the hiding place that was written in the book was no longer correct after the war. Also, everything looked different due to the reconstruction of Germany. He then glued the page back into the book, which was not valuable at that time. You can't find the painting with the address in the book, but today it's very valuable to Grandpa because it was the last present from his father before he died. Grandpa risked East German prison for this book. And it's vaulable because it turns out that it is the only remaining original edition of this book today. When he became forgetful, he and Paul's father gave it to Paul to be on the safe side since Paul loves books. But they were bitterly disappointed when it got lost. Paul calms him down and reminds him that they had never told him about all this. He sends him a link to his new blog to which Grandpa had encouraged him. Grandpa reads some comments and can't believe what is written there. What is it that is so incredible in the comments? Why did Fritz keep quiet about the fact that he caught the Großkauf thieves? And why didn’t he tell anybody about his promotion? Why did he always want to party, even though Paul was desperate about the loss of the book? How did he want to help when he got angy because he went to Paul's appartment, but Paul wasn't there?

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