German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten

74: Pauls Blog wird im Internet bekannt | Paul's blog becomes well-known on the Internet

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Complain about pain, congratulate, and spur someone on & possessive pronouns in the accusative and dative: meinem/-r/-n, deinem/-r/-n.

During a break while playing paintball, Meili, Anna, Tim, and Paul chat. Paul excitedly shares his first freelance gig. The blog about Fritz has gained traction, with fans speculating wildly about his alleged connections to the underworld - this is what Grandpa couldn't believe earlier. Paul is amazed by the blog's popularity. They discuss plans to see a movie later. Inspired by Tim's kitesurfing video, Paul thinks that Fritz might be surfing on an island. However, he lacks the initiative to find out which island it might be because he says he was busy with Grandpa, the apps and the blog. So Tim pushes him to try harder. Grandpa writes and also puts pressure on him. He reveals he has discovered a way to find the correct address of the hiding place of the painting. And for that he urgently needs the book! Is Fritz really on an island? On which one? Can Paul normalize his relationship with Grandpa or will Grandpa put on more pressure and let everything get out of hand? Why did Fritz draw suspicion on Anna earlier by saying she has a criminal record for theft? Why didn't he tell anyone but Meili about his new girlfriend? Why was he constantly on the phone during their trip to Berlin? When does he come back and why did he keep quiet about his vacation?

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Learn German with Stories
German Stories is the first podcast that combines all of these 3 features:
  • Firstly, we pick you up at your level, starting from zero.
  • Secondly, we lead you to your goal in small steps. There is a constant, low amount of new words, and only a small piece of grammar in each lesson. This way, you don't get overwhelmed.
  • Thirdly, we teach you with a full-blown, continuous story. It's a modern audio drama, played by over 30 professional voice actors, designed to always make you want to know what happens next episode!
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