8 Ways To Start Or Buy An E-Commerce Business In Midlife

8 Ways To Start Or Buy An E-Commerce Business In Midlife

By 8 Ways To Start Or Buy An E-Co

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What's 8 Ways To Start Or Buy An E-Commerce Business In Midlife about?

You’ve read the headlines that scream about how the Internet economy is quickly reaching $4 trillion. And you’ve endured the cable news cycling through storylines of Internet powerhouses such as Amazon“I’ve started more than a dozen businesses in my life, and I’ve also kept up with the technology,” says Jay Whitehead, the 58-year-old CEO of LeagueNetwork.com, a New Jersey-based youth sports-themed enterprise. “And I can tell you that Internet technology will be the least of your problems.”

With a computer, you can establish a small- or medium-sized <enterprise in as little as halaf a day. And

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8 Ways To Start Or Buy An E-Commerce Business In Midlife episodes: