From Melbourne, Australia, Cailin Howarth starting out as a trained classical singer and performed throughout Australia and Europe. She’s changed direction, studied psychology and become a Performance Psychology Coach to the performing arts, sporting and corporate worlds to name a few!
Cailin tells us about discovering the psychological challenges, needs and solutions for people in the performing arts and how this led to forming her company The Performer's Edge : a company which offers various personalised psychology coaching and workshops helping performers overcome challenges and reach their goals. We also talk being awareness of career and personal direction, growing a business, describing the role of a coach and self motivation.
Cailin is passionate about the wellbeing of artists and her purpose is to support performers and creatives to be their best so that they can make a positive impact on the world.
For more information about Cailin and The Performer's Edge, see the following links:
The next intake of Cailin's online group coaching course, Performance Dynamics, will be starting in mid November.