We are excited to have hosted Marvin Anderson on our platform with Freedom Growers. Every Friday, my co-host Lida and I, share our platform with a guest that is willing to share their #FaithWalk. This broadcast has become the highlight of the week. Each with features men and women, Stay-at-home-Moms, Authors, Ministry leaders, bakers, entreprenuers, etc willing to share how faith has not only kept them, but have also brought them through difficult times in their lives.
This week's guest was definitely no exception. It was indeed an honor and privilege to have Marvin share with us. He is living BOLDLY a Jeremiah 1 life. Marvin Anderson has served collectively served community for the past 20 years as a community empowerment advocate, speaker, lifestyle development coach and Pastor. He began his journey in his home town of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His passion to empower and build individuals to live beyond life’s challenges and circumstances has impacted the lives of many including his own.
In 2018 he became the founder of The Stigmocracy Organization, that focuses on educating, empowering and advocating to end HIV stigma.
In December of 2020 after being a licensed minister and ordained reverend for almost 20 years, Marvin founded and incorporated All Life Ministries, a virtual based affirming ministry, launched in Baton Rouge, LA.
Marvin is the author of two lifestyle empowerment books, You Can Do This and For Winner’s Only.
All Life Ministries FB: All Life Ministries, IG: @Alllifeministries, YouTube: All Life Ministries
Live Higher Inc www.LiveHigherNow.com; IG: @livehigherinc; YouTube: Live Higher TV
The Higher Up Podcast - Apple/Spotify
You can also connect to Dee on FB @ Purpose To Freedom or The Freedom Growers
For more information go to: www.PurposeToFreedom.com
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