New year. Same shit show of a podcast.
This week we are cleaning out the Anonymous Box with a hodgepodge of topics and insanity.
We discuss a plethora of misheard lyrics, a man who loves dogs maybe a bit too much, and a traffic related F, Marry, Kill.
Plus the announcement of a brand new year long homework assignment submitted by a listener!
We now have a hotline where you can call 24/7 and tell me anything and everything on your mind. Leave your questions, comments, homework assignments and any other emotional outbursts you may have! No restrictions. No limits. Your topics. Your questions. Your voice. Hope to hear from you all soon.
AFC Hotline: 412-440-8365
The anonymous box is your direct path to let your voice be heard on the show.
The link is pinned to the top of the shows social media pages. This podcast could not be possible without the amazing anonymous contributions of listeners like you!
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1: What's a song lyric that you thought was one thing but was something completely different? How did you find out? How long were you singing the wrong lyric? Be as vague or specific as you like.
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 2: Listen to 1 album per week (52 for the year), start to finish, in it’s entirety, that you’ve never listened to before. The only rules are they have to be full length albums. No 5-song ep's and no Greatest Hits compilations. It can even be an album that you have SOME familiarity with. As long as it’s a full length album, and one you’ve never listened to in its entirety before, it counts.