Michelle Badillo (One Day At A Time, Search Party) steps up to the plate to recap the fourth episode of A League of Their Own. And lucky for us, she just so happens to be the credited writer on the ep! Michelle fills in host Carolyn Bergier (Dyking Out podcast) on her process for writing the horniest scene of her career, and it's not the scene you think! Or maybe it is? Also is Max a bad friend, and possibly a bad pitcher? (Okay, not a BAD pitcher, but not as good as she thought). Speaking of, does anyone care about Gary's dreams? Plus, we talk about Lupe's disdain of Esti, Shirley's endearing homophobia, and how despite playing not baseball, Clance is truly an all-star. We also get some behind-the-scenes details on how the Peaches end up at a convent and the original game plan for tripping up on the road.