We are reaching the end of our journey. We had hoped to get this final episode out in time for the 50th anniversary of Elvis' June 1970 Nashville marathon sessions, but last month was a crazy one with both Jason and Shane putting out new records. Jason's The Explorers Club put out two records on June 12th (which Shane was also involved with), and Shane's Dolour put out The Royal We on June 19th. So we've been super busy with those releases. But we decided in the spirit of this era we are now all living in, that we'd do a ZOOM recording for this last episode, which brought a little bonus energy, but maybe a slightly lower fidelity. Jason's final album of our series is That's the Way it Is, and Shane's is Elvis Country - and since they were both recorded simultaneously (along with what ended up on the Love Letters From Elvis album), we've decided to go through the sessions song-by-song to give you a break down of all 40 recordings Elvis made over the course of 5 days in June, and one final day in September 1970. Thank you to everyone who has joined us on this journey! Be sure to find our music projects on social media to keep up with us.