La Dra. Erika Rojas Bilbao, Patóloga, Directora del Área de Diagnóstico del Instituto de Oncología Ángel Roffo, nos habla de la importancia del BRAF como factor pronóstico y predictivo, tipos de mutaciones BRAF V600, pruebas diagnósticas disponibles e incidencia en Melanoma, NSCLC y ATC.
Con el apoyo de Novartis.
1.Rare BRAF mutations in melanoma patients: implications for molecular testing in clinical practice L Heinzerling, S Kühnapfel, D Meckbach, M Baiter, E Kaempgen, P Keikavoussi, G Schuler, A Agaimy, J Bauer, A Hartmann, F Kiesewetter & R Schneider-Stock British Journal of Cancer volume 108, pages2164–2171 (2013); 2. Molecular testing for BRAF mutations to inform melanoma treatment decisions: a move toward precision medicine. Mod Pathol. 2018 Jan; 31(1): 24–38; 3. The role of BRAF V600 mutation in melanoma Paolo A Ascierto, John M Kirkwood, Jean-Jacques Grob, Ester Simeone, Antonio M Grimaldi, Michele Maio, Giuseppe Palmieri, Alessandro Testori, Francesco M Marincola, and Nicola Mozzillo, J Transl Med. 2012; 10: 85; 4. Current State of Target Treatment in BRAF Mutated Melanoma Enrica Teresa Tanda, Irene Vanni, Andrea Boutros, Virginia Andreotti, William Bruno, Paola Ghiorzo and Francesco Spagnolo Front. Mol. Biosci., 14 July 2020; 5. New Therapies for Advanced Thyroid Cancer Diprajan Laha, Naris Nilubol and Myriem Boufraqech. Front. Endocrinol., 22 May 2020; 6. Targeting BRAF mutations in non-small cell lung cancer. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2019;8(6):1119-1124