About Scripture Episode 10 on Angels with Dr. Ed Gallagher. This session serves as a continued examination of the term Satan in the New Testament as part of a series of lessons discussing the existence, function, and nature of Angels, as well as, dispelling some myths commonly held. This series is presented before a live audience in HCU's Wednesday Chapel service.
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The host of this podcast is Edmon L. Gallagher, Ph.D.
Professor of Christian Scripture at Heritage Christian University
Dr. Gallagher’s research focuses on the reception of the Bible among ancient Jews and Christians. At HCU, he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Greek, Scripture, and theology. He serves as the associate minister at the Sherrod Ave. Church of Christ. He has been a campaign leader for HCU and he frequently teaches in the Philippines and Haiti. He and his wife, Jodi, have six children.
Ph.D. (2010), M.Phil. (2007), Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
M.A. (2002), B.A. (2001), Freed-Hardeman University
Recent Books He's Written
The Translation of the Seventy: History, Reception, and Contemporary Use of the Septuagint. Abilene, TX: ACU Press, 2021.
The Christian Life: Chapters for Bible Teachers. Florence, AL: HCU Press, 2021.
Jesus the Christ: Chapters for Bible Teachers. Florence, AL: HCU Press, 2021.
The Sermon on the Mount: Explorations in Christian Practice. Cypress Bible Study Series. Florence, AL: HCU Press, 2021.
The Book of Exodus: Explorations in Christian Theology. Cypress Bible Study Series. Florence, AL: HCU Press. 2020.
(with John D. Meade) The Biblical Canon Lists from Early Christianity: Texts and Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.