Family farming Producer company Limited , kolhapur
Importance Of FPO'S
Collectivization of producers, especially small and marginal farmers, into producer organisations has emerged as one of the most effective pathways to address the many challenges of agriculture but most importantly, improved access to investments, technology and inputs and markets. Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India has identified farmer producer organisation registered under the special provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 as the most appropriate institutional form around which to mobilize farmers and build their capacity to collectively leverage their production and marketing strength. especially producer companies and link them to benefits under various programs and schemes.
Stage One: Pre-project Implementation (Three months) Baseline on volume, value & market access, centrality analysis, (i) Identification of Product specific clusters (ii) Feasibility Analysis -break-even Estimates (iii) Project Implementation Plan procurement, inputs, storage
Stage Two: Enhancing Capacity & Implementation of Surplus Farm Production Plan (Mobilization Phase) (i) Village meetings- identify potential farmers, identify opinion leaders (ii) Identification of potential farmers for FIG & FPOs, LRP/ BF/LF Identification (iii) Hand holding support for Productivity Increase, IPM/ INM/ IPP
(iv) Identifying Value-proposition for setting FPO (logic of collectivization) (v) Exposure Visit of Farmers/opinion leaders.
Stage Three: Pre-formation Stage of FPO/Collective and preparation of FPOs business plan through FIG level exercise (i) Demonstration conducted on improved agriculture
practices (ii) Start up shareholders campaign (iii) Identification of training needs & imparting training to promoters and farmers of FPO (iv) FIGs meeting & orientation
started for FPO scoping, vision building exercise & exposure visit of promoters farmers (v) Generate crop-wise household information with surplus, deficit and gap exists (vi) FPO forming process initiated.
Stage Four: FPO formation Stage (i) Identification of FPO
promoters by FIGs (ii) Initiation of statutory process required for formation of FPO
like attainment of PAN, DIN of Directors etc (iii) Stabilize New Surplus Production System & Farmers in 2nd Crop Cycle (iv) Finalizing list of FIG members willing to join FPOs and start share money collection (v) Membership drive continues and framing of Bye-laws/MoA /AoA, incorporation of FPO (vi) Training of FIG members promoters on FPOs
Stage Five: (FPO establishment stage) (i) Physical establishment of FPO (ii) CB inputs need assessment (iii) Strengthening FPO –providing services for system development (Operating System, MIS, HR), (iv) Business Planning Exercise Market Linkages for Produce (v) Interface with buyers/marketers (vi) Increasing FPO’s equity though matching grants from SFAC.
Stage Six: (i) Implementation of business plan of FPO.