What does it feel like when someone truly listens, and receives, you with their unconditional self?
Your entire body relaxes and your cares drip away. It's the unicorn variety of listening where you know in your heart the person doesn't need a list of accomplishments in order to view you as 'worthy of their time'.
If you haven't experienced being listened to in this way before, imagine it for just a moment.
What would that FEEL like for you in your body?
When I first heard Daniel speak, I found myself listening in a way I don't usually. I leaned in closer (to the computer screen). I didn't think about what I would say in response or even whether I agreed or disagreed with what he was saying. None of that seemed to matter at that moment in time while I was listening.
I simply followed the melodic cadence of this voice. There's a catharsis of the art of listening. I was transported to a realm where love and hate were one and the same and wholeness was the flavor of the century.
Authentic, unconditionally, listening truly is an art form; we all could use some practice.
Before you read these show notes, I ask you to listen to the podcast first with a focus on expanding your awareness of how you feel. How does the energy feel in your body when you drop all pretenses and just listen?
What happens inside when you move out of your mental space and into your energy body?
Both Daniel and I would love to know what came up for you when you listened to this podcast. Leave us a comment. We will listen, unconditionally.
Daniel walked away from the opportunity to run a multi-billion dollar company to hitchhike around the world to find happiness and inner peace, studied 5 years in a seminary, and left 1 day before being ordained. He's also lived as a monk in a monastery for 10 years. Daniel led the growth of hay house from 3 million a year in sales to 100 million a year in sales. He is a rare blend of businessman and mystic who loves to share the gift of connection and the power of listening with all of you.
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