Why IoTs have created a security crisis and strained the communications infrastructure along the way. By Acreto IoT Security.
5G is coming! 5G is coming! But in the 4G LTE era where access is lightning fast, what is driving the push for 5G?
4G networks is a technology from the 2000's with
one primary intent -- to enable mobile devices to take advantage of
apps. In order for the apps, app stores, streaming and other services
to be successful, mobile devices need to just plain work. This means
they must work transparently, reliably and consistently for users to
interface and interact with their apps and content. 4G solved the
problem with 2G, which was data unusable, and 3G, that at best was
used for email and some browsing in a pinch. To that extent, it has
been a resounding success.
However, connected devices have seeped into
everyday life in a low-key and transparent way. So much so that the
prevailing industry mantra is that "IoTs are coming". In
reality, IoTs arrived long ago. Today, mobile phones are ubiquitous.
So ubiquitous that the mobile phone market has all but saturated.
However, IoTs that are perceived to be "coming" number
twice that of mobile phones today (16 billion vs. 8 billion).
Just think about how many smart devices are in
your personal life already. All the smart TVs, smart thermostats,
smart door locks and video doorbells, and more. Today, some version
of anything and everything comes with an IP address. Tomorrow,
everythingwill just be assumed to have an
IP address. IoTs are used for measurement, reporting, monitoring,
content dissemination, cost management or performing a variety of
functions. And in many instances, technologies are IoT enabled due to
plain old peer pressure. Everybody else is connected and we have to
keep up with the Kardashians.
Today, things that matter are connected - and
there are a lot of things that matter. And we are well on our way on
the trajectory for “connected everything” to be the
The exponential growth of connected devices has
strained our communications infrastructure beyond its breaking point.
This has driven the complete exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, which has
forced unwilling network operators to fast-track transition to IPv6.
Moreover, network operators have realized that much like IPv4, the 4G
LTE network is cracking under the burden of connected devices.
In reality, 4G just can't keep up with the scale
trajectory and performance demands of IoT technologies. One of the
key factors for 4G is that it is not decentralized enough. As
decentralized as 4G networks are, they are still too centralized for
the continuing increase in the volume of IoTs.
There are three missing infrastructure elements
that have to mature in order to fully support the scale, form and
function of 21st century Internetwork of Everything.
- First, Scale - Comparatively,
enterprise technologies are like a gorilla, emphasizing static
tools, however, IoTs are like a swarm of bees. Completely manageable
in small quantities, overwhelming in medium quantities and
suffocating at full scale. - Second, Form - In
comparison to autonomous and network-centric technologies, IoTs are
distributed and operate on many different public and private
networks with dependencies on remote third-party operated
applications and management. - Third, Function - Today's
standards-based technologies can be used in a variety of roles.
Inversely, connected technologies are often small and resource
limited, single-function devices that perform micro-functions.
Connected devices, IoTs, cloud-enabled
technologies or, whichever other name they may be referred to as,
operate at a radically different scale, with radically different form
and function characteristics. Ultimately, they demand a radically
different technology infrastructure altogether.
First, let’s talk about Addressing. The Internetwork of Everything requires
each and every device, server, cloud, desktop and anything else that
makes up the Internet – no matter how small – to have a unique
identity. Today we primarily use the IPv4 addressing scheme. IPv4 has
a maximum capacity of 4.2 billion addresses (4,294,967,296 to
be exact). However, consider that we have over 8 billion mobile
phones alone, and another 16 billion IoTs in use today, not to
mention all the computers. The world has turned to tricks like
Network Address Translation (NAT) in order to compensate, but these
are just band-aids that are currently straining at the seams.
IPv6 has been around since 1994 and in contrast to
IPv4's 4 billion addresses, it sports 3.4 x 10 to the 38th
power addresses – or 340 undecillion, 282 decillion, 366
nonillion, 920 octillion, 938 septillion, 463 sextillion, 463
quintillion, 374 quadrillion, 607 trillion, 431 billion, 768 million,
211 thousand and 456, to be exact. Its support for the next
generation of IP addresses is adequate for the massive scale of IoTs
– but, this also makes it more complex to configure. Many
technologists have not had the "muscle memory" experience
they have developed with IPv4. However, there are no IPv4 addresses
Because of this, technologists are pushing to
implement IPv6 on all their networks. All the major players have
already fully implemented IPv6.
Anecdotally, IPv6 is said to have as many IP
addresses as we have grains of sand on the earth, which should serve
us well in supporting the massive expansion of IoTs to near 50
billion in the next few years.
Next, let’s talk about 5G Networks. 5G, as its name implies, is the 5th Generation of
mobile networks. It has several advantages over previous generations
of mobile network tech including scale, performance, and availability
as well as demands on its constituent devices.
Believe it or not, the highly decentralized 4G/LTE
networks are not decentralized enough to support IoT and connected
device platforms. It all comes down to density. The sheer number of
IoTs are driving a level of density that can best be described by an
"IoTs per square foot" model compared to today's devices
per base station cell area.
Making some broad, yet reasonable, assumptions,
the average 4G/LTE cell tower today supports an area from a few miles
up to 10 square miles. Each cell tower is supporting several thousand
connections at up to one gigabit per second of data throughput. The
number of mobile phones and IoTs in any cell area is starting to
outpace the maximum connection or bandwidth capacity of the towers.
At this rate it won't be long until portions of the infrastructure
are fully saturated.
Another factor that needs to be addressed is
frequency spectrums. Currently, most mobile networks operate within
the 700Mhz (Megahertz) to sub 3.0Ghz (Gigahertz) frequency spectrum.
This sub 3.0Ghz spectrum is also becoming saturated, and will soon
not be able to support the spectrum needed to support the volume of
connected devices.
This though, is where 5G networks really shine. 5G
operates using a greater number of cell towers with smaller coverage
areas each with the capability to support a greater number of
devices. 5G also operates at much higher frequency ranges – from
3Ghz to 30Ghz. The additional range buys much more capacity for
existing carriers as well as providing more operating room for
additional more nuanced carrier networks. More carriers means more
competition driving lower prices and more specialized service
providers supporting specialty technologies.
There is also more capacity and intelligence built
into 5G. It uses cognitive techniques to distinguish between mobile
and static devices to determine the best methods for content delivery
to each network subscriber. 5G offers robust performance that meets
or beats network bandwidth only available via fiber optic networks
today. 5G has been tested in a lab up to an astonishing 1Tbps
(Terabit per second) while still maintaining a real-world practical
performance of 10 to 50Gbps.
5G's scale, capacity and performance is a
Finally, let’s talk about IoT Security. Aside from adequately scalable addressing and
communications infrastructure, securing all of these distributed and
diverse platforms that use them is another challenge that has to be
overcome. Realistically, the combination of 1) unique identity for
every individual technology that IPv6 provides, 2) the enhanced
communications capacities and capabilities of 5G along with 3) the
support for many to many communications that the combination of IPv6
and 5G offer, makes security not just important, but an imperative
Today's security models are not adequate for the
new generation of infrastructure. The challenge is that a whole new
security model is necessary to support the IPv6 / 5G new generation
of communications.
On-device security is not viable because the sheer
volume and large variety of unique and purpose-built technologies
that need to be secured create an uncontrollable hyper-fragmented
jumble of security tools. This creates a patchwork quilt of security
tools that organizations have to acquire, implement, integrate,
operationalize, manage, troubleshoot and refresh. A complete
Network security tools just don't support mobile
and distributed technologies -- the very thing that 5G enables. This
is like trying to fit a square peg in the security round hole.
Then there are the cloud-based IoT security
companies. Securing distributed platforms from the cloud is very
viable, except that almost all IoT security cloud plays are what is
referred to as "You're Screwed" technologies. They
are notification oriented technologies that collect logs from devices
and analyze them to determine malicious behavior. Once malicious
behavior is detected, they notify administrators who have to manually
respond to each incident. This approach is reactive and not
sustainable at scale.
The Future of IPv6, 5G and IoT Security. IPv6, 5G Networks and IoT Security are the
critical trio that have to work cohesively and effectively at scale
to serve as the enablement platforms for a more prolific use of
Internet-of-Things. A shortcoming in any one of these areas
translates to shortcomings in the overall solution. Today, IPv6 is
well established and though not ubiquitous, it's close, and there is
clarity on how to get it there. 5G is very much well on its way and
the telcos have already started their 5G rollouts. Security still
remains an unanswered challenge.
Acreto recognizes the weakness in today's available security options and has developed a platform from the ground up to work hand-in-hand with IPv6 and 5G networks to empower and enable the Internet-of-Everything. Learn more about Acreto's platform on our website here.
Also on our website, you can find links to the American Registry of Internet Numbers' (ARIN) notification to network providers of IPv4 address exhaustion, as well as another letter on how to deal with IP address depletion from the Number Resource Organization (NRO).
Learn more or read online by visiting our web site: Acreto.io — On Twitter: @acretoio and if you haven’t done so, sign up for the Acreto IoT Security podcast. You can get it from Apple – Google or your favorite podcast app.
About Acreto IoT Security
Acreto IoT Security delivers advanced security for IoT Ecosystems, from the cloud. IoTs are slated to grow to 50 Billion by 2021. Acreto’s Ecosystem security protects all Clouds, users, applications, and purpose-built IoTs that are unable to defend themselves in-the-wild. The Acreto platform offers simplicity and agility, and is guaranteed to protect IoTs for their entire 8-20 year lifespan. The company is founded and led by an experienced management team, with multiple successful cloud security innovations. Learn more by visiting Acreto IoT Security on the web at acreto.io or on Twitter @acretoio.