I have to realize and learnt that in life as much as people will say that they wish you the best or that they want the best for you, that they are usually not going to give it to you either intentionally or unintentionally and by the way this is true and due to the fact that it's either they just aren't able to give to you or that they don't feel like giving it to you. However, that's not the most important part because the most important part is that they probably most of the times don't actually know what is good for you, they can think they know but in reality you are the only one who knows exactly what you want. Now this might not be totally acceptable or understood by many because they feel that you know we always and sometimes need others to help us realize our potential, of course I can agree with you but it's a big but it has been found that many people who supposedly had others help realize their potentials has at some point in time thought about that potential sometimes ago i