We are in a plastics crisis that has gone beyond the tipping point and yet many are ignorant of the true nature of the disaster. If the size of the crisis is not evident by looking around us, then take a look at what lies below the surface and it will horrify you.
In this show we reveal the shocking truth of a disaster that is currently taking place right under our noses. Mike Ryder, an industrial chemist and water activist, gives us insight into his view that "plastics are nasty" and are already killing us at a micro level. Kevin Rack and Georgia McTaggart join Mike and our team in sharing personal experiences in their fight against the plastics nightmare and what action they are taking and what we can do to help.
There are solutions to the crisis, however, as Johan’s interview with Prof. Peter Ryan highlights, plastics form a small part of the greater crisis that is global warming. As such, a totally integrated approach is needed to avert the total destruction of our planet. Not only do we need campaigns showing the dangers of plastic but an inclusive strategy that will assist in the greater crisis of global warming.
To avert this crisis it will require activism at all levels of society with humans taking personal, corporate and national responsibility for their OWN actions. We must act now; our house is already on fire.