I love planners and to-do lists so much that I keep 4 separate ones. Intense, I know but I THRIVE off of structure. In today's episode, I will take about the 4 different types I use and how they work together. You absolutely do not need to use all 4, but I hope it gives you a lot of different ideas to try if you are struggling with structure as well!
Read the blog version here-https://adaptationstation.net/4-ways-i-keep-myself-calm-and-organized-with-planners-and-schedules/
I have a lot of supporting links if you want to learn more!
Creating a Monthly To-Do List-https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creating-a-monthly-to-do-list/id1477777888?i=1000507437591
Instagram Highlight Monthly To Do-https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17933721038088491/
A look inside my notebook-https://www.instagram.com/p/CkpD-2QDzzr/
Post It Note Daily Planner-https://www.staples.com/noted-by-post-it-brand-blue-daily-planner-pad-4-9-x-7-7-100-sheets-pad-1-pad-pack-ntd-58-blu/product_24469841?cid=PS:GS:SBD:PLA:Paper&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn4SeBhCwARIsANeF9DLGbyy51KwMkAuYWoeBzzMKxtxLQ1I-XR4EQf7S1_2YobXCBDnhCQgaAjfOEALw_wcB