Brittany Nash is a Black domestic transracial adoptee and the founder of The Daily Adoptee blog and soon to be online publication that highlights the experience and expertise of transracial adoptees.
As an adoptee, turned foster child, who from Southern MN, she uses her experience of growing up in predominantly white spaces to connect the dots of the intent and impact of the adoption industry and foster care system as they align with history, politics, racism, discrimination, and mental health.
She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Communication from Bethany Lutheran College where her emphasis was Journalism and Business. While there she also worked for the college's Diversity Center where she started to kindle her passion for social advocacy. She combines her love for investigative journalism, descriptive writing, and racial justice to bring a unique adoptee narrative to adoption and foster care spaces.
Timeline of Events and Key Legislation:
1921: Tusla Race Massacre
1935: Social Security Act
1939 -1945: World War ll
1945: Baby Scoop Era begins
1947: Cold War begins
1948: Executive Order 9981: Desegregation of the Armed Forces
1954: Civil Rights Movement
1955 - 1975 Vietnam War
1954: Browning vs Board of Edu
1961: ADC Foster Act
1962: Aid to Families with Dependent Children
1962: Public Welfare Amendment
1965: Death of Malcolm X
1964: Civil Rights Act
1968: Death of Martin Luther King Jr.
1968: Civil Rights Movement
1969: Death of Frank Hampton
1967: Loving vs the State of Virginia
1970: Baby Scoop Era ends
1971: War on Drugs begins
1978: Indian Child Welfare Act
1980: The Adoption Assistance & Child Welfare Act
1991: Cold War ends
1993: Family Preservation & Family Support Services Program (MEPA) begins
1994: The Multi-Ethnic Placement Act
1996: Inter-Ethnic Placement Provisions (revised parts of MEPA)
1997: the Adoption & Safe Families Act
Reference Articles:
A Brief Legislative History of the Child Welfare System
Brief History of the Drug War
The case for national action- the negro famil
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