One of the topics I get asked about a lot in my role in church strengthening revolves around today’s topic: “Developing a Discipleship Pathway”. Every pastor knows that it is crucial to create a way for people to grow in their faith, but struggle with a strategy that works. Most churches do a good job at helping people with the “basics” of their faith, like how to read the Bible, prayer, service, generosity, etc., but then what? How do we create effective pathways that really help people continue in a lifelong journey of spiritual growth?
To help us with this, I’m excited to welcome Gregg Heinsch to the podcast. Gregg is Lead pastor at Celebration Church in Celebration Florida. Gregg planted Celebration ? years ago after pastoring for ? years in Hudson Wisconsin. There are several things I appreciate about Gregg. He is one of the best preachers I know. He is passionate about the gospel, passionate about the church, and passionate about seeing people not only come to know Jesus, but to grow deeply in their relationship with Christ and see that multiplied in others. So Gregg, welcome to the podcast, and thanks so much for your willingness to share with us today.
· Give me the two-minute Gregg Heinsch Story
· Discipleship Pathway is sort of a “buzz word” today. Everyone is talking about it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we KNOW what we’re talking about. So, what exactly do we mean by Discipleship Pathway?
· As I shared in the intro, I get asked about issues surrounding Discipleship Pathway more than almost any other issue? Why do you think that is?
· What does Discipleship Pathway look like at Celebration? How do you help people measure if they are “getting somewhere”?
· Pastors are always looking for curriculum for Discipleship Pathway. Are there good curriculums out there, or should we be creating our own Discipleship Pathway model?
· I always love hearing success stories. Can you share a story of how Celebration’s focus on Discipleship Pathway has helped transform someone’s life at your church?
· If there was one thing you could tell a pastor listening today that they need to think about, or step they can take to move the ball forward in regards to Discipleship Pathway what would that be?