In this episode we present a mixed bag where Kylie debriefs her most excellent week at the African Evaluation Association 2014 conference and James takes us on his search for a "non-boring" evaluation journal article.
Fun on the Conference Shuttle Bus
Shout outs to Serge-Eric Yakeu Djiam, Jennifer Bisgard, and all the hard-working volunteers at AfrEA2014 and the Cameroon Development Evaluation Association for a great conference.
Below are some of the articles that James found in his search:
- American Evaluation Association Task Force Statement on ‘What is Evaluation?’ (2014)
Fournier, D. M. (1995). Establishing evaluative conclusions: A distinction between general and working logic. New Directions for Evaluation, 65, 15-32.Patton, M. Q. (2000). Overview: Language matters. New Directions for Evaluation, 86, 5-16.Gamble, J. (2006). A Developmental Evaluation Primer. Montreal, PQ: McConnell Foundation.Dozois, E., Langlois, M., Blanchet-Cohen, N. (2010). DE201: A practitioner's guide to Developmental Evaluation. Montreal, PQ: McConnell Foundation.Scheirer, M. A. & Schwandt, T. (2012). Planning evaluation through the program life cycle. American Journal of Evaluation, online, 1-32.Evergreen, S. & Metzner, C. (2013). Design principles for data visualization in evaluation. New Directions in Evaluation, 140, 5-20. Until next time,
Kylie & James