1. Do your homework
Know the position (requirements)
Know the company (their website: history, values, size, news, etc)
Know the interviewer (Website bio / LinkedIn / Facebook)
2. Prepare for your arrival
Be dressed (one step above their “code”)
Have a NICE notebook, pen, and extra resumes
If virtual, prepare:
Shower, Dress (full), lighting, eye contact, background.
If you look good, you feel good and that energy/confidence will show.
Bonus Tip: Arrive early at the location! Get there at least 20-30 minutes early. Then gather your thoughts and composure in your car before you walk in.
3. Bring your A game
Be polite to EVERYONE
Solid handshake
Eye contact
Good posture
No slang (like, seriously)
Watch body language of interviewer
4. Know your strengths and weaknesses
S - I try to always do more than I’m asked if the situation allows that.
S - I'm very resourceful. If I don't know an answer, I'll figure it out, or ask the right person.
S - I don't focus on my mistakes, I focus on how well I recover from the mistake.
W - I find it hard to work in critical or political environments.
W – I'm can be a perfectionist, so it takes me a little longer to digest criticism.
5. Expand on your answers
No yes or no answers. Volley back if possible. Make it a conversation. Give stories whenever possible.
6. Be ready with behavioral stories
A time you had to handle conflict
A time you faced challenge/struggle
How you handled the situation: Outcomes/Results
Name your Greatest accomplishment
Many more questions to practice are below
7. Be familiar with industry language
Acronyms. Terms. (e.g. CRM, SEO, FB pixel, drip campaign... or whatever your industry language is)
8. Don’t be afraid to say “no” or “I don’t know”
Write down the question and learn from the answer
9. Be prepared with great questions
What are you most looking for in the winning candidate for this position?
Can you tell me about the team around this position?
How would you describe your company’s culture?
Do you offer promotion pathways for people who go up and beyond what's expected?
Is there anything I did or said in this interview that might be perceived as a weakness and keep me from winning this position?
Jot the answers down on your notepad!
10. Have a memorable finish
Eye contact, smile, nice handshake
“Thank you so much. I'm excited about possibly working here.”
If virtual, make sure fully disconnected!!
EMAIL anyone who was a part of the interview process.
Handwrite and mail a thank you to main person/people
Possible Interview Questions to prepare for:
Have an answer/story for ALL of these.
Tell me a time when you failed? How did you handle it?
What is your greatest accomplishment?
What are your core values and why?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Give an example of a time you struggled or failed.
What's a regret you have?
What would your previous boss say you excel or struggle in?
How would your previous boss rate you on a 1-10 scale? Why?
What could make you want to quit a task or a job?
What's your superpower?
Tell me about a time when you’ve had to work alongside someone very different than you, how did you work with that person to achieve common goals?
Tell me about a time that you were tasked with a project and had to pivot due to a conflict?
Tell me about a time when you made a strategic business or life decision.
How well do you handle change? Can you give an example?
... MANY more questions are posted on my YouTube video of this talk.