On this episode of After Sunday, Pastor Dustin Turner is joined by Christi Hagans, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Vintage Church's vWomen Coordinator. Vintage Church is in the middle of their new year series, Changes. So, Pastor Dustin wanted to discuss an important topic related to Change––Attachment. Pastor Dustin and Christi discuss what attachment is, what are the ways we attach, how our past relationships affect our attachment style, how our present and future relationships are affected, how attachment affects our relationship with God, and more. There's so much in this episode that is worth considering. Listen, grow, and change!
Learn more about the ministry of Vintage Church at http://vintagechurchmvmt.com.
Other Resources on Attachment:
The 4 Attachment Styles you Need to Know, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRSsEP-xEQw
"What Is Attachment & Why It Matters," The Place We Find Ourselves by Adam Young, https://open.spotify.com/episode/16sJONNQxjnK0Bnr1Dnd2g?si=1148898e2e6548f4
"How Your Attachment Style Affects the Way You Relate to Others," The Place We Find Ourselves by Adam Young, https://open.spotify.com/episode/433qgQ9HttBUHEKOJCCyqx?si=vaE9fNZOSzquzLZPAXAnhw
"Attachment: What Is It?", Adam Young, https://adamyoungcounseling.com/2019/12/07/attachment-what-it-is/
"Ambivalent Attachment," Adam Young, https://adamyoungcounseling.com/2019/12/09/ambivalent-attachment/
"Avoidant Attachment," Adam Young, https://adamyoungcounseling.com/2019/12/08/avoidant-attachment-2/
"How Attachment Impacts Our Relationship with God, Pt. 1," Curt Thompson, https://open.spotify.com/episode/6s7zs8jya9AoFx2SuLr6KU?si=f8ef995e9dba4f98
"How Attachment Impacts Our Relationship with God, Pt. 2," Curt Thompson, https://open.spotify.com/episode/4SZyCOTBnnozXnayhVlP7d?si=d3bf930641974cb9