I have Mel from Little Flies Hypnobirthing with me today to discuss all things birth and how to remove the fear for a more empowered birthing experience.
Mel is a nurse, midwife and hypnobirthing practitioner and trainer.
We discuss the perception of birth in mainstream society and how understanding your options can shift everything.
To learn more about her courses go here: Website
Literature recommended by Mel:
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley
The Positive Birth Book by Milli HIll
Birth with Confidence by Rhea Dempsey
Reclaiming Childbirth as a right of Passage (NEW) by Rachel Reed
Why Induction Matters by Rachel Reed
The postnatal depletion cure by Oscar Serralach
Why breastfeeding matters- Charlotte Young
The First Forty Days: The essential art of nourishing the new mother by Heng Ou