How do you build a brand when you’ve just moved to a new city and only know four people? Shelley has not only done this, but she’s on a mission to share the lessons learned about how to do it with others. More importantly, she wants to change the experience for new real estate agents and arm them with knowledge so they can be successful from day one, instead of floundering and struggling through frustration and fear. This is a valiant mission since most agents drop out in the first six months because they jumped into an industry they didn’t fully understand and didn’t have the support needed to stay the course.
“You are still a startup, even if you hang your license with a big brand. You are your own business.”
Most new real estate agents don’t have a lot of business experience and unfortunately, seasoned agents are guarded from helping them since agent turnover is so high in this business. But that first day as a real estate agent is a huge eye opener for many and most live in a moment somewhere between panic and pressure to perform. Shelley was no different, but she dug into her chosen path and was determined to find her way and leveraged the skills she had from building multiple radio stations from the ground up.
She knew what kind of business she was going to build. “It was very clear to me where I could step in and do things differently. How are people supposed to be authentic when they haven’t done the work of understanding who they actually are.” And Shelley did the work very early in her journey. She wrote down who she was going to be, where she was headed, where the weaknesses were as well as the opportunities. She understood who she was going to be in business. “I always want to be the face of my brand, but I’d love to have a care team, so my people know how much I love them.”
Shelley puts her heart and soul into every single client. “Giving a piece of yourself, because people want to know you so they can trust you.” And she wants them to be part of her life. She hosts Sunday dinners for clients, invests in gifts and time, and treats every client like they are family. These tactics are paving the way for her to be a 100% referral business. It all comes down to this fundamental truth for her and great advice for everyone else, “Super serving anybody is important in business.”
How can our intentional community help Shelley’s business thrive? Join her on her mission to help change the game for new agents by giving them the help they need on that critical first day on the job. Invite that new agent to lunch or for a cup of tea. We are truly better together. Don't forget to check out her book,Your First 365 Days in Real Estate.
Follow Shelley on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.