Lizzy highlights why Change does not have to be feared instead it can be your Ace.
Lizzy gives the change that suddenly emerges in our lives a name. She shares the forms in which it appeared in her life and what she learned from it. She called it unsolicited change.
Lizzy gives us 3 steps to follow so you can use change to make your next best move.
Be vulnerable with yourself. Be honest. I don't like this. I don't like how it feels. It's scary.
Assess it. Assess this change that has come at you and see what you could do? What movement could you make? What could be your next best move that will align with your value system and align with the goals that you are intentionally trying to make happen and align with your integrity?
Step. Make that next best move.Lizzy presents an analogy of the treadmill. Read and let it inspire you to engage again with your life again.
Lizzy says,The problem with the treadmill is it stays in the same place.It gives you the action of movement. It builds your muscles like you're moving, but you don't go anywhere else. You're still in the same spot.
Lizzy explains how you know you need a Coach.
If you notice you're still in the same spot, although you are doing a movement, you need a coach, my friend. You need somebody to help you with a strategy to get you off the treadmill and get you into doing life, because that's where the results that you really want are gonna come from."
Lizzy Introduces A Show Affirmation:
We are always grateful and thankful that opportunities arise to empower and enable our next best move. And every move we make brings us more and more success. Because we are grateful and thankful, we are doing the journey called life
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