Maria Lopez Gonzalez is a proud Immigrant and Mexican woman who currently serves as the Program Coordinator for Student Action for Farmworkers (SAF). SAF is a non-profit organization that is committed to improving conditions for farmworkers and building connections between students and farmworkers. Ms. Lopez participated in SAF's Into the Fields Internship Program and now she has the pleasure of managing that particular program.
In this episode, you will learn:
- The purpose behind Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF)
- Maria's experience as a participant in SAF's "Into the Fields" Internship and how to apply to for 2021 internship opportunities through SAF
- A Brief History of Farmworker and Immigrant Rights
Maria's Contact Information: [email protected]
SAF Website:
SAF Instagram: @Studentactionwithfarmworkers
SAF Blog:
2021 Into the Fields Internship Application:
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