Hosts Ena & Jo interview four members of the Health Careers Live team behind the Virtual Health Careers Conference 2021 (Raj, Sunny, Meghna and George) to find out how the programme came about, how it has grown and changed by going digital, and what they are planning for this year. We then chat to one of our Student Ambassadors Lexie, to find out what inspired her to study Physiotherapy and discuss her experiences of the course so far.
The Health Careers Live programme was established by then-medical-student (now Junior Doctor) Raj Sethi in 2017, with an aim to improve access to health and social care careers for students all around the UK, in particular to a more diverse and inclusive population. On it’s first year going virtual, 2020 saw over 6,000 delegates from 101 different countries registering to join the National and Virtual Health Careers Conferences. The programme has also been named winner of the NHS Parliamentary Award for Health Equalities (NW).
The Health Education England AHP Team have been working in collaboration with Health Careers Live for two years in order to showcase the range of AHP careers available, and we are delighted to have been invited by Carrie Biddle (@carrie_biddle) to support the AHP Live Stage on Saturday 10th July.
The Virtual Health Careers Conference returns this July in two parts:
Saturday 10th July: Aspiring Focus – for those considering a career in healthcare.
Sunday 11th July: Current Focus – open to all healthcare students and healthcare professionals.
It is free to register and attend, and anyone interested can sign up at:
To hear more about Health Careers Live or Raj, Sunny, Meghna and George, follow them on Twitter:
@healthcareersco, @becomingadr @vslstudiolive
@TheRajivSethi - Raj
@whenistheshow – Sunny
@BiyyamR - Meghna
@GHancock2304 – George
Follow us on: FB: On The Frontline NHS AHPs Insta: @onthefrontlineahps Twitter: @thefrontlineahp