AI is used as a catchall for so many different things in technology today. From statistics and automation to machine learning and then on to things approach intelligence. But, how can we think about key aspects of the broad field to better identify opportunities for benefits, research and development? In this panel organized by, we will look at the different types of ‘intelligence’, how they are currently being used inside businesses and the challenges and opportunities. Where is AI really adding value? How should we think about AI in an Enterprise?What differences are there between new companies that are working in greenfield problems and building systems and architectures that aren’t encumbered by legacy and integration challenges and those that are having to think about adding cognifying capabilities on top of existing services?How much data required to train a model?How to figure out what strategies to use?When, why and how you re-train a model that has been working for a while?We are discussing all of the above with our welcomed guests:Felix Hovsepian - Professor of AI at Warwick UniversityJonathan Rivers - CTO, Fortune PublishingVarun Aggrawall - CoFounder of Aspiring Minds and author of The Bird FarmHosted by: Phil Black – Chairman of Advisory Board,