Carissa Reiniger is an entrepreneur and small business growth expert and the founder of Silver Lining, a company that has helped over ten thousand small businesses hit and achieve their financial goals. She is also an author.In this episode, Carissa talks about the strategies that she uses to help small businesses achieve their goals by adjusting their behaviors. She explains the macro view of small businesses that make them beneficial and crucial in a community more than big businesses.
Listen in to learn the importance of rethinking your business’s strategy during the COVID season with small and eventual changes. You will also learn the need to be at your best mindset while planning for the future of business in these hard times.
“The privilege and opportunity of being a business owner is that you can choose your own path. You can choose who you do business with, you can find people who’re aligned with you, and you don’t need to do business with everyone to make a good income.”- Carissa Reiniger [9:31]
What You Will Learn:
• [0:49] She explains why she started helping small businesses grow and how that has changed from just a micro view but to both micro and macro view of a small business.
• [3:09] The importance and contribution of small businesses in the community while they make a profit.
• [6:54] She explains how her business operates with a model of making changes and finding success in more than just money while helping other small businesses do the same too.
• [11:27] How they build the SLAP plan for small businesses to adjust their behavior and achieve their goals. Why small businesses need to rethink their strategy during this COVID-19 period.
• [18:06] How small changes in smart work will eventually pay off with your business as opposed to expecting immediate unrealistic changes.
• [21:27] How Carissa is challenging herself to get a pilot’s license as a way to live her life to the fullest.
• [23:07] She talks about the ‘Thank You Small Businesses’ movement that gives thanks to small business owners doing great things with gifts and experiences for their amazing work.
• [26:20] Robert relates the passion of sports fans with that of small business owners.
• [28:07] How to adjust your mindset to tackle your future and that of your business in this COVID-19 period.
Relevant Links:
Carissa Reiniger Interview Transcript
Robert: In this episode of the AIDtoNAV podcast, we catch up with Carissa Reiniger. Carissa is an author, entrepreneur, and small business growth expert. She founded Silver Lining and her company has helped over 10,000 small businesses hit and achieve their financial goals.
Carissa, welcome to AIDtoNAV. How are you doing today?
Carissa: Thanks so much. I'm doing good. You know, we were just talking crazy times, but I'm hanging in there. I'm doing good.
Robert: So, you are the founder of Silver Lining. Tell me more about Silver Lining and especially the focus on micro-business, small business.
Carissa: Yeah. So, I started 15 years ago, which makes me feel old,