In the Season Finale of The Vodcast Series with IFS, we delved into various leadership styles across the leadership spectrum. Our guests, Chanukah Gunewardena and Ashinsanie Weerasinghe, shared their insights. The discussion began by contrasting innovative and conventional leadership, and then shifted to the significant role of personal branding in leadership.
The guests emphasized that innovation relies on established conventions, and different situations call for distinct approaches. Ashinsanie recounted her experience at Toastmasters, highlighting how transformational leaders present options rather than issuing direct orders. The intersection of leadership and technology was also explored, emphasizing their mutual influence. Both Ashinsanie and Chanukah discussed their adaptation of collaborative and inclusive leadership in their professional lives, emphasizing the importance of making everyone feel included.
Drawing from the IFS tagline “Moment of Service,” the guests showcased service leadership as a means to foster a positive work environment for employees. Additionally, they touched upon self-leadership, emphasizing discipline and foundational guidance for leading a team. The episode concluded with a relevant topic: “Personal Branding,” which our guests described as an investment in oneself.
Enjoy the rest of Season 4 of the AIESEC in Sri Lanka Vodcast with IFS -
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