When you are switching a job you are ready to face so many interviews and in these interviews, interviewer asks you so many difference type of questions and among these questions some questions are evergreen. A very common question interviewer asks you is :
Why Did You Leave Your Last Job ?
Most of the job candidates got confused with this question if they are new to interviews. They think what should they answer. Some candidate start to tell
negative things about their previous company, like that company was not good, management was not so cooperative and all these things which impacts your interviewer in a negative way, because for asking this question he/she has two reasons,
First : Is there any dispute with your previous company ?
Second : When you will leave our company then what you are going to tell your next company about this.
So you have to be very careful when you are answering this question. In this video i am taking about How you should answer for this question in a way that it will not create a negative impact on your interviewer.
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