The purpose is to help listeners develop healthy, successful, everlasting and positive relationships.... more
January 11, 2020Just FriendsHaving friends of the opposite sex while you’re in a relationship can possibly put a damper on your relationship. Discussing boundaries with that friend and your partner is the best thing you can do....more3minPlay
January 04, 2020The Power of CommunicationCommunication is key in each and every relationship....more8minPlay
January 03, 2020The Power of PrivacyMany relationships fail due to lack of privacy. Hopefully this segment will change that for the better....more5minPlay
January 02, 2020The Power Of Being Upfront and HonestAnalyzing yourself and accepting who you are physically and mentally will help guide you in the right direction to a successful relationship....more3minPlay
December 31, 2019The Power of Dating and Loving YourselfThis episode describes how important it is to date and how you must love yourself first before you can allow anyone to love you for who you are....more4minPlay