Dr. Amelia Hardwick, known as "Amy," is a visionary leader in the field of mental health. Despite facing her own emotional struggles in her youth, Amy's compassion and determination to heal fueled her to become a groundbreaking psychologist. After overcoming a period in a psychiatric ward, she emerged with innovative yet remarkably simple techniques to help you release emotional burdens and past traumas. Amy's unique approach empowers you to achieve true alignment, not just with yourself, but with your goals and well-being. From overcoming addictions to healing from life-altering illnesses, her success stories paint a powerful picture of transformation. Dr. Amelia offers a comprehensive path to lasting wholeness, guiding you toward a life of empowered well-being; tune in, especially if you are a Generator (37% of the population) or know one. (You likely know a few, at least!)
This episode of Align to Your Design dives deep into:
Discover what sparked her healing journey.
Learn how emotions and past stuff can affect your health.
Find tools to track your emotional baggage.
Dr. Amelia shares inspiring stories of overcoming challenges.
We chatted with Jamie Icke about 5G and Human Design (what's the connection?).
What's it like having "spy energy" in your Human Design?
Dr. Amelia talks about being a visionary and waiting for the world to catch up.
Generators (you might be one!) get a special focus on their chart and health.
PS Baeth said "Gate 41" is having the mutation. This is incorrect. It is "Gate 49." We apologize for the error.
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