Unpacking Myself

ALIGNMENT | It’s time to stop ignoring things that no longer feel aligned with who you are.

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Through my own experiences and hearing from many others recently, I realized that many people are being called to take a closer look at things they have been doing on autopilot for many years. Things that they dismissed, shoved under the rug and ignored, were now staring them in the face, forcing them to address it. People are being challenged to question their old ways of doing things. I felt this shift within me over the last few months and it has been hard and painful but the reward is moving closer to who you are, being more of your authentic self, having your outer world be more aligned with who you are. These are incredible things but can feel really hard and lonely. I share my own experience and journey around this in this episode. I hope it makes you feel understood and heard, and less alone in whatever journey you may be going through as we all kick off this new year.

Want to unpack a topic or something you are going through with me? Send me a DM.


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Unpacking MyselfBy Neha Patel

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