Hey my Sweet Lifers! Fat Tuesday is here! Many of us have today a Shrove Tuesday where we serve pancakes and sausage in the preparation for Lent. During Lent there's three main components almsgiving, fasting and prayer. I have some thoughts about how to prepare for this season. It is a time that I like to think as being of "quiet reflection." I hope you enjoy it and that you will reach out to me if it has made you think. :) You can also LISTEN on the podcast here: If you want to receive the Sweet Lifer™ ezine, it's chock full of gardening tips, recipes and my columns each month. It is free, of course and I would love to have you get it to inspire you and hopefully be a helpful resource. Click here to subscribe to that: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/vIVP2t0/Sweetlifer See you next Tuesday for another Sweet Scoop™ and in the meantime I hope you have a wonderful week and I'll see ya'll on the channel with lots of other sweet stuff! Take Care~ A:)