So honored to have Gahl Sasson on my Podcast! His unique astrology readings as well as his renegade charisma and encyclopedic knowledge of numerous mythological traditions have made him a sought-after radio and television guest.
Gahl Sasson is a spiritual teacher who has earned a wide and enthusiastic following across the globe. He teaches ongoing workshops on Kabbalah, Mythology, and Astrology in Europe, Israel, Turkey, Hong Kong, Mexico, and in dozens of cities across the United States.
He is the author of A Wish Can Change Your Life: How to Use the Ancient Wisdom of Kabbalah to Make Your Dreams Come True. The book was endorsed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and is now in its fifth printing. His second book, Cosmic Navigator - Design Your Destiny with Astrology and Kabbalah came out in 2008. Both books were translated to various languages worldwide.
Sasson served on the faculty of Deepak Chopra’s multi-media project MyPotential, teaching both Astrology and Kabbalah. W magazine selected Sasson as “Los Angeles’ best astrologer,” and his astrological work has been featured in Self magazine. He has been profiled in The Portland Tribune, the Jewish Journal, Awareness Magazine, Yogi Times, Chicago Yoga, and City Beat, Daily Candy, Huffington Post to name a few.