In this episode, we explore
what makes sexual intimacy a deeply nourishing, fulfilling, and ecstatic
Our bodies are designed to
experience lots of pleasure. Through sexual intimacy, we can connect with our
lover at a deeply fulfilling level, beyond the surface of the body.
But most people believe that
nature will take care of everything. They will feel attraction towards
each other on demand, their hearts will be open, and sexual energy will flow
We were sold the idea that
great sexual intimacy just happens when you find the right partner.
But it’s not true for most of
ecstatic level of intimacy, you must approach it as a work of art.
In this episode, we explore essential ingredients that make intimacy with our lover a heart-opening, soul-connecting, and life-changing experience.
If you want to dive deeper into the art of
heart-open connection and ecstatic intimacy, I invite you to check and join my newly created program, The Art of Devotional Love.
Here is the link: