Josh & Patrick sat down to continue the conversation around racism with Dorien Banks and Marcus Martin, two Black men in their early twenties that grew up in Atascadero. As they share their own personal experiences with racism, we discuss use of the “n-word” as well as Black Lives Matter and police interaction. The founding of Atascadero came up again, what it meant to be a colony, and the need for more diversity & inclusion. We talked about the confederate flag and protesting vs. rioting. Several resources were mentioned in the episode and links can be found below. We are very grateful to Dorien & Marcus for having this conversation with us and sharing their perspective. Racism is real in our community and we can all do our part to put an end to it, together.
We look forward to continuing this conversation and expanding our understanding even further.
The book Josh is reading (completed now) White Fragility
1988 clip from The Golden Girls about the confederate flag:
The follow-up conversation that Tiffany Riojas had with Greg Baxter after his racially charged explosion: