Why was Ashley Mitchell deactivated from the Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies? What did Leroy have to say about Camila's racist tirade on Dirty 30? Which Challenger is trying to butter up the Big Brother 23 cast? All of these questions and more are answered on the second episode of Realitea Talk.
Realitea talk is a series hosted by the All Things Realitea Podcast that discusses current events going on in the competitive reality TV world as well as some personal stories from hosts Laith and Champagne.
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Champagne: @AllThingsReality
Laith: @LOLaith
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Big Brother (2000-) is owned by CBS network.
Survivor (2000-) is owned by CBS network.
The Challenge (1998-) is owned by MTV.
Intro/Outro Music by Dutchnelsar